(*) Indicates required fields. |
The paperwork is due by February 15, 2024 regardless of whether or not you include payment at that time. The payment is due on March 31, 2024. If we do not receive the supporting documentation on time, we cannot guarantee that the business will receive an invoice before the due date. Please note that postmarks will not be accepted. The penalty for failure to make any payment required shall be assessed in the amount of not more than ten percent of the occupational tax determined to be due and owing for the first 30 days or fraction thereof of delinquency and an additional one percent of the occupation tax for each additional month or fraction thereof of delinquency. Failure to make application for and obtain an appropriate occupational tax certificate, or make estimated or final returns of gross receipts when due, shall incur a penalty of not more than $25.00 for each month or fractional part thereof for which the return or application is overdue. Such penalties shall be in addition to all other penalties, civil and criminal herein provided; and may be collected by remedies herein provided for collection of the occupation tax and shall have the same lien and priority as the occupation tax to which the penalty is applied.
The City will only accept ONE of the following documents listed below: (Please NO handwritten letters. Note that Bank Statements are not acceptable documentation for this requirement.)
- 2023 Profit/Loss Statement
- 2023 Sales Reports
- Signed Letter from Company’s External CPA Stating Gross Receipts for 2023
- Copy of 2023 Income Tax Form (Such as Form 1120, Form 1120S, Form 1065, or Schedule C)
S.A.V.E. AFFIDAVIT VERIFYING PUBLIC BENEFIT APPLICATION: As required by Official Code of Georgia §50-36-1(e), any applicant for the City of Buford Occupational Tax Certificate must execute an affidavit certifying legal presence in the United States. U.S. CITIZENS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED FOR RENEWAL provided you supplied these documents with the 2022 renewal or prior.
- PRIVATE EMPLOYER AFFIDAVIT: As of July 1, 2013 private employers with more than 10 employees are required to register for and use E-Verify and to sign an E-Verify affidavit attesting to such (Option A). Any employer with less than 11 employees is exempt from this requirement, but must complete an affidavit attesting that they are exempt (Option B). The affidavit requirement does not apply if the private employer has previously provided an E-Verify number AND the number of employees has not changed
Please submit 2023 Form 990 from Internal Revenue Service. Also, enclose all required documents from the front page except the documentation supporting gross receipts. If the 2023 Form 990 has not been filed, please provide a letter stating that the business is a non-profit.
Disabled veterans are exempt from payment of occupational taxes, administration fees, and regulatory fees imposed by local governments for peddling, conducting a business, or practicing a profession or semi profession upon meeting the following eligibility requirements: (1) be discharged under honorable conditions from the armed forces of the United States; (2) have 10 percent disability for certain wartime veterans or a 25 percent service-connected disability for peace time-only veterans; and (3) have an income that is not liable for state income taxes. [O.C.G.A. § 43-12-1 – § 43-12-4]
(if YES, please contact the City of Buford. Do not complete this form.)
The City of Buford appreciates your decision to operate your business in Buford, and we hope that you continue to select Buford for future years. Please be aware that under State of Georgia law, the City is required to comply with the Federal Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) program, and the E-Verify program.
(if YES, please contact the City of Buford. Do not complete this form.)
If the above business is no longer operating in the Buford City limits, please provide exact date the business was last in operation and send or fax this page to the City of Buford at (678) 889-4649. You will also need to contact Gwinnett County Tax Assessor’s office at (770) 822-7220, to close the personal property tax account.
Banks pay as regulated by the State of Georgia, using the 2023 Form PT440. Also, enclose all required documents from the front page except the documentation supporting gross receipts.